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The song “Only You” by DeusExMaschine, released on July 8, 2022, is a sweet, bubblegum track that captures the feeling of being in love. The song is categorized under Indie Dance by the record label So French Records, and we described it as “the perfect soundtrack to falling in love.”
The vocals are stylish and catchy, with lyrics that are both amusing and clever. The instrumental accompaniments are varied, full, rich, rhythmic, and engaging to keep the listener engaged throughout the song. The artist is talented, imaginative, professional, and creative—everything you’d expect from a professional producer like DeusExMaschine.
The music structure is full of contrast and good structure—something you don’t always get from artists these days who just want to make it all sound “the same.” It’s clear DeusExMaschine has put a lot of thought into creating his music and isn’t just trying to make something that sounds good right now because that’s what people want to hear right now; he’s trying to make something timeless by making music that will appeal across generations.
The production quality on this track is very creative without losing quality but the producer has to be careful not to go over the top with effects or other production tricks. The song is well-crafted and has a lot of interesting elements which make it more than just another track; it’s something that stands out on its own as an artistic statement about the state of music today.
The song “Only You” by DeusExMaschine is a slammer. It’s straight-forward, catchy, and sweet. I’m not even going to lie—this song will get stuck in your head for days.
The instrumentals are banging, the vocals are hot, and the lyrics are simple and repetitive enough that they’ll never leave you.
This song has commercial potential because it’s catchy enough to go viral, but not so over-the-top that it would alienate listeners who aren’t into this kind of thing.
It’s also got a little bit of a bitter edge to it because there are so many styles mixed up in this one track; but without making it sound off.
Despite all this, the production quality is good enough that you can tell that the artist put some serious time into making sure everything sounded exactly how he wanted it to.
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Written by: Radio Marbella
today26/10/2024 12707 761
today26/10/2024 12707 761
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